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landscape type中文是什么意思

用"landscape type"造句"landscape type"怎么读"landscape type" in a sentence


  • 园林型


  • Vegetation landscape types and characteristics of baiyunshan scenic spot , guangzhou
  • ( 2 ) there was grate difference in patch size during different landscape types
    ( 2 )研究区域内各景观类型的斑块在大小上有很大差异。
  • A preliminary study on the spatial relationships of landscape types and their scale analyses in the scenery district of wuyi mountain
  • This method includes four - layer classification system of landscape region , landscape type , landscape subtype and landscape unit
  • Penghu islands , mainly composed of basalts , enjoy well - developed columnar joints that create many dramatic geological and landscape types of scenery
  • The grassland bird species diversity is higher and the grassland bird community structure is more complicated than before , because there are different bird communities within different landscape type
  • The highly exploited region possesses various and equal landuse types , and the proportion of all kinds of landscape types converge , and possess small landscape dominance
  • The landscape types of grassland changed greatly for the reason that human settled down and developed all kinds of activity , the landscape types of grassland include : village , manpower forest , shrub , farmland and so on , and which increasing the heterogeneity of grassland in big scale
  • There exists an inverse relationship between the landscape isolation and human activity for those man - made landscape types , such as landscape type ( farmland , plantantion , industial area ) or nature landscape type ( nature woodland ) , a direct realationship between the landscape isolation and human activity
    与人类干扰活动密切的景观类型(农用地,经济林用地、建筑用地)或纯自然景观类型(原生植被) ,其景观分离度与干扰强度成反比,其它景观类型则与干扰强度成正比例关系。
  • A preliminary study on the species composition , ecological characteristics and present distribution of vegetations in mengyang area , the largest part of xishuangbanna nature reserve , shows that there are 7 vegetation types , 15 formations , 24 community types in this area . the vegetation map was made by using gis software ( arc / info ) , and the area and distribution pattern of each community was obtained . the subtropical monsoon evergreen broad leaved forest occupies the largest part , with an area of 41 . 26 % of the whole , and the tropical rain forest occupies less than 10 % of the whole area . according to the topography , altitude , climate characters and present distribution of the vegetation , and based on the landscape type map , an original vegetation map under natural conditions was obtained , which could provid a theory for the vegetation restoration , especially for the tropical rain forest and its habitat , and for the development of the nature reserve
    对西双版纳勐养自然保护区植被的类型进行了划分,包括人工和自然群落,共有7个大类、 15个群系、 24个群落类型分布.对每个类型的主要组成种类、生态特征和分布现状进行了初步研究.利用地理信息系统软件制取植被图并获得了各种植被类型的分布面积和分布格局特征,这一地区亚热带季风常绿阔叶林的分布面积和所占比例最大,达总面积的41 . 26 % ;而热带雨林面积不超过总面积的10 % .依据地形、海拔、气候和现状植被分布的规律,在获得景观类型图的基础上,得到了可以反映这一地区在完全自然条件下植被可能分布的状况的还原植被图,为保护区的发展和植被的恢复提供了理论依据。
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